
Discover the Emerald Isle

After several months of planning, we are finally prepared to tell you: WE ARE TAKING A GROUP TO IRELAND AND WE WANT YOU TO JOIN US!! That’s right! In May 2025, we will spend 9 days in Ireland, exploring different parts of the country. We’ve worked very hard to put this trip together for you…

Hydra: The Best Pivot Ever

A wise man once said, “One must be flexible while traveling. All plans are fluid. Be ready to go with the flow.” Ok, we just made that up, but this is great advice! Advice we use from time to time ourselves. For our loyal readers you possibly picked up on the fact that we are…

It’s Our 2nd Anniversary!

Our 2nd anniversary already?! We can’t believe how quickly time has passed! Thank you so much for trusting us with your travel planning for the past two years! We started our business to help people get out and travel. And you are traveling! This past year alone we’ve sent three of your families to Italy;…

Viking Questions

The response and interest we’ve received since announcing our April 2024 Viking Rhine Getaway group cruise has been overwhelming. Thank you to everyone for your interest! We’ve also received several questions about the cruise, so we thought we’d put the most frequent ones in one post. The most frequent question or comment we receive is…

Greece. Mama Mia!

Imagine a glossy eyed “younger” Jennifer watching Mama Mia for the 100th time promising herself she would get to Greece one day. At the time if felt like a pipe dream between running three boys to hockey, baseball, football, karate, etc. Even as she belted out Dancing Queen alongside Meryl Streep in her living room…

What Do You Want To Know?

Hello, Everyone! First, we wanted to thank you all for your interest in our Viking Rhine Getaway group cruise in April 2024. We’ve received so many questions and so much interest that we are going to address all of your questions in an upcoming blog. We’ve also had many of you tell us “I want…

Time To Set Sail!

What better place to make an announcement than our blog! For those of you that have been following our adventures on here we want to first apologize for our content slowing down to a snail’s pace. Or rather the tortoise going backwards on the track. However, we are ecstatic for the reason. Our travel agency…

Finding Nature in Rome

One of the best pieces of advice we were given was to plan every trip like you were going back. For our return trip to Rome, we were going to hit some places that didn’t make the cut the first time around. Finding nature in Rome was easy by touring The Appian Way and Aqueduct…

Tips For Smoother Travel

Here are some quick tips for smoother summer and fall travel: Get to the airport with plenty of time to spare. Lines are long, so make sure to give yourself extra time to help reduce your stress level. Prepare for delays. They happen, although some airports have higher percentages of delays than others. Book a…

Rome Day 2: A Dive Into Ancient Rome

When you think of Rome or Italy in general, what is the first image that pops into your head? Ok, after the pasta and wine. The Colosseum. It is arguably the most recognizable structure in the world. This will also always be on our list of places to see while in Rome. The first time…


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